Kerry, Tennessee

Working with Bill and his team has been a breath of fresh air. The methods and content of Bill’s marketing approach are all about creating a sustainable practice that does not depend on mailer response rates while expanding your reach to those that would never come to a workshop from a direct mail invite. A good example of one of our results would be a case that was brought to us by a Property and Casualty Agency which has committed to us being their financial planning partners. This case produced 5 Key Man life insurance policies that totaled about $300,000 in annual premium. The relationship with the owner of the P&C Agency was nurtured and matured by Bill’s process and tools to the point that it is today.

We have worked with Bill for about a year and a half now and feel like we have only really implemented about 30%-40% of the potential his coaching offers. Some of the results were practically immediate. I’m referring to the language that he gave us upon engaging him. We put it into practice immediately and it produced positive results in our explanation of services and conversations. The sky is the limit and it’s up to us. A sound, sustainable method is not created overnight but it’s solid and dependable once it’s established. Bill’s core message was true to who we were before we met him. Therefore, our identity has not changed, Bill has simply helped us better reach out to those that need our help.